Immortalised by Meshuggah, the Lundgren M-series has been synonymous with heavy low-tuned music since its inception. Originally only available as a 7 string pickup (M7) it soon became available in a 6 string option due to its spreading popularity.
Being of clear sound and tight bass it’s often favoured for very low tunings, and has a very hi-fi quality to it that retains note definition even under a great deal of distortion. Because of the enormous output, it gives amps a huge kick in the front end reminiscent of active pickups, but without the infamous sterility or lack of dynamics associated with actives.
Not into low tunings? The Lundgren M6 is a fantastic thrash/death pickup, as (hopefully) demonstrated in the video (the guitar was in D standard). Unlike other pickups that boast an exaggerated top end, the M6 doesn’t get shrill or thin, and still retains a lot of body and chunk even up in E standard.